Hush! ... so I hush
In the quiet ... I hear

Beeps and Blares of the hurried
Staccato retorts of the harried
Expletives exploding like suicide bombers
crushed beneath the crunch of gravel
as the wheels spin
the click of the pedal
the cool wind of escape
a whispering woosh regaling my ears
as birds gather in the gusty dawn 

I hear secrets that spill
between silent sycamore
getting stuck between my spokes
I hear the rustle of leaves
as they scatter rumours
on the neighbours lawn
The thud of the news
as it travels to the porch
in a graceful arc

I stop and lie under the open sky
to hear the dew drop
slide slowly off its perch
mindful that soon 
I will return to cacophony
but thankful for the hour
and that voice that asked me 
to hush


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