I have a list of music terms taken from the glossary of music terms and have slipped in a few of my own made up terms. you have to tell me if it is true or false

1.Rubato (T) Temporary change in speed
2.Andante (T) Slow tempo
3.Cadenti (F)
4.Ritardo (F) ritardando
5.Fermata (T) hold the note
6.Giocoso ( T) Play free
7.Vertissimo (F)
8.Leggero (T) light
9.Transposito (F)
10.Nonet (T) group of nine
11.Ostinato (T) a rhythmic pattern that repeats
12.Fugue (T) a complex contrapuntal manipulation of a music
13.Accelerando (T) speed up
14.Tres Molto (F)
15.Stroppo (F)
16.Retrogrado (F)
17.Singspiel (T) A light hearted opera
18.Scherzo (T) country dance in ¾
19.Sonora – Rondo (F)
20.Sprechstimme (T) Half spoken half sung
21.Battuto (T) (Ital.) strike the strings with the bow
22.Futti (F) Tutti - all together
23.Versi (F) Versimo - A true to life opera
24.Rondo (T) repetitive sections orchestral
25.Sostenuto (T) sustain
26.Pizzicato (T) plucked strings
27.Moratorio (F)
28.Organum (T) a low non metered chant
29.Opera Buffa (T) comic opera
30.Addario (F)
31.Nocturne (T) a night piece
32.Motet (T) sacred polyphonic piece non catholic
33.Abafando (T) muted or muffled
34.Melisma (T) many pitches sung while sustaining one syllable of text
35.Atono (F)
36.Decrescendo (T)
37.Venti (F)
38.Sforzando (T) play short and loud
39.Stifflet (F) Sifflet - one foot organ stop
40.a Battuta (T) return to normal tempo libitum (T) ad lib
42.Allargrando (F) allargando – to broaden
43.Flessible (T) flexible
44.Fresco (T) fresh
45.Giusto (T) Strict, exact, right
46.Intimo (T) Intimate
47.Lungi (F) lunga - Long
48.Quintal (T) Composed of the musical interval of the fifth harmony
49.Repente (T) Suddenly
50.Scatenato (T) Unchained, wild
51.Vamp (T) Improvised accompaniment
52. Coperti (T) (plural of coperto) covered, muted drum


1.4 points
a.I enchanted the Greek hero Odysseus with my singing and kept him captive for 7 years
b.In another fictitious era I gave a human the task of guiding the spirits of the dead lost at sea
c.I am also a musical style that was an evolution of West African kaiso, with satirical lyrics often mocking slave masters through double entendre
d.Harry Belafonte is associated with this genre of music


2. Women who rock

The Rolling Stones magazine made a list in 2012, of the 50 greatest albums of all time by female artists. I have a list of the top five. For ten points arrange the names in the right order from No.1 to No. 5. Dusty Springfield, Patti Smith, Aretha Franklin, Joni Mitchell, Fleetwood Mac

1.Aretha Franklin, 'I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You’
2.Joni Mitchell, 'Blue'
3.Dusty Springfield, 'Dusty in Memphis'
4.Fleetwood Mac, 'Rumours'
5.Patti Smith, 'Horses'

3. Say What !
Name the Song based on this often misheard lyric - 'I remove umbilicals'

Hot Chocolate’s ‘You Sexy Thing’: “I believe in miracles”


1. 4 points

a.I come from a family of chordophones which includes lutes, zithers and harps
b.A musician plucks my melody strings with a plectrum worn on the first and second fingers
c.My first names include the likes of Rudra and Vichitra
d.Rajhesh Vaidya plays an electrified version of me


2. Ancient manuscripts

In the late 19th century music composers used a kind of writing instrument called Rastrum. What did they use it for ?

A multi-nibbed pen designed for drawing all the staff lines simultaneously.

3. Ancient Wind

The Jaw Harp called Morsing in India, is a lamellophone which is said to be the precursor of which instrument that finds use in many pulmonary rehabilitation programs?


For Four points each, name the country of origin for these music genres

1.Ska – Jamaica
2.Cajun – Canada (French speaking accadians)
3.Tango – Argentina
4.Pinoy pop – Philippines
5.Mambo - Cuba


1. Yohan murders a hit (sing it like a swing)

I will sing the lines of a familiar song in a confusing manner and for ten points you have to guess the title of the song and for two bonus points name the album

Don't ya think that you need somebody?
Don't ya think that you need someone?
Everybody needs somebody
You're not the only one

November Rain
Guns N Roses Use Your Illusion I
The longest song in history to enter the top ten of the billboard chart
Note: The longest song that made No 1 – American Pie 8:37 (TRUMP 3 fourteen)

2. Mashed up

Listen to this piece of music and describe the style


3. Naughtier and naughtier

‘Don’t be scared you got the mood prepared but darling its better down where its wetter’

The sentence is a mash up of two songs from which animated movie ?

For two bonus points guess to whom the lines are sung to?

The Little Mermaid
Prince Eric/ Ariel



Dhrupad, Khayal, and Tarana are vocal forms of what type of music ?


2. I was told there would be no math

Using the same mathematical symbol arrange the following Carnatic music terms.

Vilamba < Madhya < Dhruta
Dhruta > Madhya > Vilamba

3. Same to same

What is the common factor between the following Indian instruments

Sarangi, Dilruba, and Esraj

They are all upright bowed instruments like the cello


1. Hidden antonyms

Clothed gentlemen are not Girls from Women, perhaps Ladies unemployed.

There are three band names in this sentence which are hidden as antonyms or near antonyms. Guess the band names

Barenaked Ladies
Boys II Men
Men at Work

2. I wanna be King

In symphony orchestra hierarchy the second in command below the conductor is one who plays what instrument group

First Violin

The principal first violin is called the concertmaster (or orchestra "leader" in the U.K.)

3. Odd man out

Which of the following woodwind instruments piccolos, flutes, oboes, clarinets, bassoons and saxophones derives its name from its creator ?

The saxophone is known to be invented by a single individual. His name is Adolphe Sax


1. In a symphony orchestra tuning is lead by a wind instrument . Which one is it ?
2. A Caribbean Steel Pan is classified as what kind of instrument ?
Tuned percussion
3. Listen to this one minute clip and identify the songs based on the riffs played. Points will be given to the team that gets the maximum names. 

Johnny B Goode
Purple Haze
Fortunate Son
Don’t fear the reaper
Carry on my wayward son



Vikram                                         Eleyah

Arjun                                            Sean

Xan                                               Swapna

Josh                                              Serah

Prithvi                                          Shilpa


Sumi                                                       Ollie

Fred                                                        Anu

Deepa                                                    Ananth

Nadisha                                                 Rohan

Timmy                                                   Vidyuth


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