In my quest to change myself
I forgot to change others
It mattered not , what they thought
When I accepted who they were
I understood that perspective
is always individually right
and expectation, blocks one
from enjoying the art of giving

In my quest to let go
I dropped the hurt and ill will
And learned that inner peace
is not found on a distant shore
I stopped educating
Reined in the need to prove
and accepted opinion
without seeking approval
from a supreme being 

Comparison, the bane of existence
was slowly but surely choked
Humankind’s need to describe
everything in superlatives
I said goodbye to want
That seductive coat of paint
which stays as deep as shallow desire
instead focused on what I need
without avarice, without greed

Material became immaterial
to my state of happiness
In giving up I gained
the supremacy of oneness
In my quest to change myself 
The ‘optimystic’ you I discovered

A short while go someone forwarded a message to me on WhatsApp called ‘the happy soul’
That became the template for ‘optimystic’

Who's a "Happy Soul" ?
Definition provided by Buddhist Lamas
A Happy Soul stops trying to change others, but instead focus on changing self
A Happy Soul is one who accepts people for who they are
A Happy Soul is one who understands that everyone is right in one's own perspective
A Happy Soul is one who learns to "let go"
A "Happy Soul is one who is able to drop expectations from every relationship and gives for the sake of giving
A Happy Soul is one who understands that whatever we do, we do it for our own peace
A Happy Soul is one who stops proving to the world, how intelligent one is
A Happy Soul is one who does not seek approval from others
A Happy Soul is one who stops comparing with others
A Happy Soul is one who is at peace with oneself
A Happy Soul is one who is able to differentiate between "need" and "want" and is able to let go of one's wants
A Happy Soul is one who stops attaching "happiness" to material things


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