Memories are fickle, choosing to play hide and seek with annoying aplomb, and what if one could choose a memory at will? If only ?

If only it were easy
picking up crumbs from a 
runaway train of thought
left wandering on a one way track
on a journey to an unknown destination
To have on record
the moments suspended
in between disbelief and cognitive action
hinged on neither, not needing either
for existence or validation
To have at your command
the power to retrieve
from a soft close file cabinet
an instance from an archive
left undisturbed since gestation
Take your pick 
if you remember at all
Because the dryads of your mind
Play hide and seek with intellect
interfering with recollection
And like a memory 
that is never forgotten
flashes of a younger self 
fly south from where they are stored
during trans-neuronal migration
And 'If only'
is left clutching at straws
Sifting through a million memos
crowding a cerebral one BHK
with one memory yearning for recognition

- Kathy’s Song - Simon and Garfunkel 


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