Chalk dust on coat sleeves settling softly on a studious arm
printing snow white patterns on worn out elbow patches
sagging with the weight of chronic repetition

Chalk dust disturbed by the steps of a flat toed dancing shoe 
flexed with pride as it dips into sole searching,
White powder taken into frictional confidence 

Chalk dust splashed by worry lines on muscled palms
Rising to meet the mighty challenge balanced ahead,
on a metal beam with measured imprints

Chalk dust smeared in sacred rite absolving human wrong
sticking in pious penitence to goosebumps on painted skin
Amidst the fervour of the redemption ritual

Chalk dust gathering around eight clenched knuckles
dipped with grim intent into the bowl of white ash
adding grit to steely determination

Chalk dust raked into rows, snorted in search of nirvana
The expected burst of energy is devoid of explosion
for another victim of devious substitution

Chalk dust on the classroom floor descends gracefully
forming white sprinkles like the final dance of moonglow 
waltzing in slow-motion with gravity


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