I DIE HAPPY (After scaling Nevada Falls, Yosemite)

I die happy
For I have seen
The part of my soul that I left behind

It was happy
to see me again
And led me in discovery of hidden trails

And discover I did
on stairs hard and narrow
twisted paths beside thundering cataracts

Vistas my mouth muted
as I agape stood
humbled by ancient granite majesty

Bed rock scraped
by nature's fickle fingers
Glacial milk dissolving a dynasty

Evolving a cathedral
leaving slender sentinels amongst
Ancient remnants of geologic expansion

Blessed is the path
that helps reconnect 
 remnants of Souls left behind 

Waiting for fate to decide
the swing of the tide
apart yet in together's future

And knowing that 
I met today what I left behind
I die happy  


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