At the end of the day
I'm ticking boxes
trapped predilection
prisoned imagination
mired in superstition
lost in translation
Tattered fringes
midnight binges
ticking boxes 
at the end of the day

At the end of the day

I'm writing letters
works of fiction
from realistic addiction
convoluted depiction
of close contradiction
a cloistered pearl
within my world
writing letters
at the end of the day

at the end of the day

I'm removing layers
from the days audition
to sleep without friction
in supine position
to dream without restriction
of dancing holes
in leather soles
removing layers
at the end of the day

at the end of the day

its another conclusion
light in transition
shifting position
day's culmination
night's recognition
a celestial plan
for a determined span
another conclusion
at the end of the day


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