Motion , Creaking fixtures hanging on for dear life as
Linear movement is broken by seismic paroxysms
The jerky clack of rumbling wheels on tracks of steel
Heads lolling in all directions like marionettes in undignified repose
Darkness punctuated with melodic notifications and the swell of gentle snores
Lights, streaming in regular intervals, peeking through curtains
Multilingual announcements piercing, seeking validation
At this hour only a few are interested with this information
Conversation light, keystrokes on a Made in China keyboard
Round faces with smiles, frowns and forwarded humour
The engine labours through , breaking the stillness of the outside
with stabs of a sonorous horn, some short some long
Rails squeaking, thanking God that they are strong 
Night closes in. Intimate love warm and dear 
Exhaustion places heavy fingers on eyelids and
Noise disappears


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