CHENNAI                                 06:05:2017                             1800 HRS IST

Lines across the sky
Milky white against  sea of blue
Lights...not bright but just enough
Clouds crisscross the ancient highway above

Parrots chasing the wind noisily
Kites circling lazily, watching
Ever vigilant and watching 
One wrong move and they dive
Talons. beak, eyes intent on death
A quick snatch for a morsel of satisfaction
Death comes quick and the soul flies away
The coconuts just sway
Stuck to each other like Siamese twins
Their unbroken umbilical cord staying firm

On the terrace the actors gather
unsure of lines...some stammer
Words with meaning...Meaningless sounds
Words with sounds that are uncertain
Sounds with words strung like a curtain
Eyes opened by the mystery
of watching the growing tapestry
Time slips and space takes over
The terrace empties into inky darkness
No more lines in the sky


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